domingo, 13 de enero de 2019


CLUB DE JAZZ,The Cuban filmmaker Esteban Insausti chose "Club de jazz", a film based on music that has as a backdrop universal and old conflicts such as envy, to return to movie theaters after eight years.

The film was screened in a special occasion at the Chaplin Cinema in Havana on Saturday, March 24, and will go on the bill during the coming months.

After "Larga distancia", Insausti has turned to the filming of this drama about a web of emotions that can happen at any time and place. This one, in particular, takes place in an old jazz club.

Filmed in black and white, the film is structured in three independent stories, which are set in different periods that span from the late 1950s to the beginning of the 21st century. The stories correspond to "Saxo tenor", "Contrabajo con arco” and "Piano solo".

The filmmaker makes clear his intention when he categorically says that “Club de Jazz” is not a musical, but a fictional drama about envy at the talent and glory of others.

The film, produced by the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (ICAIC) and with the support of the Ibermedia Program, is also a way to portray creative processes from the perspective of the artists who star in each of the stories.

Insausti himself is in charge of the script, while the musical direction is by Juan Manuel Ceruto, and he delegates the photography of the film in the work to four hands of Ángel Alderete and Alejandro Pérez, something unprecedented in Cuban cinema.

El filme centra su trama en elementos oscuros del ser humano como es la envidia, que decidió llevar a la gran pantalla a modo de reflexión. Que la gente comience a mirarse para adentro es lo que pretendo con Club de jazz,  comentó Insausti, realizador también del largometraje Larga distancia.

Insausti gusta de escudriñar en lo más recóndito del hombre, lo que mostró en una anterior ocasión en el cuento Luz roja, del largometraje Tres veces dos, codirigido por Pavel Giraud y Lester Hamlet.

La cinta Club de jazz ha sido rodada mayormente en blanco y negro, labor en la que pusieron un minucioso empeño los experimentados fotógrafos Alejandro Pérez y Ángel Alderete,  quienes estudiaron a profundidad luces y sombras para dotar al film de la atmosfera que requería el tema de la envidia.

En opinión de Alderete este es el mejor trabajo cinematográfico de todos los que ha acometido en su vida y considera que la compenetración con el director ha sido un factor clave en el resultado final de la producción fílmica.

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